Grow Jersey

Sat 12 Oct, 2024
Grow Jersey site, Sion

We are pleased to invite Earsay members to squeeze in another visit to the Grow Jersey community garden at Sion on Saturday 12th October, 2-4pm. 

All ages are welcome and the whole family can get stuck in! It’s a nice chance to discover gardening at this welcoming community project. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear, and the event will go ahead whatever the weather (except extreme, but let’s keep our fingers crossed).

As usual the Grow team will have lots to do in the garden this Autumn time, including watering, weeding, mulching, picking of vegetables etc. Those who came along earlier in the year may have a chance to pick the actual vegetables they planted.

Please RSVP to your invite with details of who is attending (ideally by 9th Oct) so we can advise numbers to Grow Jersey.

Please see these details for where Grow’s location is, or see their facebook page. Please arrive just before 2pm.
We’re north of Surville cemetery on Ruette Pinel, St Helier. There is limited parking outside the cemetery on the roadside.Walk into the entrance of the cemetery, then follow the path up to the back hedge, where you will see our gate.