Earsay’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on Wednesday 18th September, 2024, 6.30pm at Pip’s Place (Jersey Child Care Trust office) at 15 Union Street, St Helier, Jersey.
Please note the new venue and time for this meeting. Nearest car park is Minden Place car park.
There will be BSL signed support at the meeting and tea & coffee afterwards. Please feel free to join us.
Previous AGM minutes will be emailed to members prior to the meeting.
- Apologies
- To receive and adopt the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 21 September 2023. Please note that these will not be read at the meeting
- To receive the Executive Committee’s Annual Reports
- To receive and adopt the financial statements audited by two auditors
- To elect first:
a) Officers and members of the Executive Committee
b) Members of the sub-Committee for the ensuing year - To elect two auditors
- To agree the amount of annual subscription to be paid by members
- To deal with any business as per the Constitution