Earsay Pat Bougeard Achievement Award Winner 2024

Mar 6, 2025

Every year Earsay presents the Pat Bougeard Achievement Award for a deaf child/young person who has achieved something special throughout the year.

After four nominations were judged by an independent third party, Earsay are very proud to announce the 2024 award winner is Amelia Wojtas-Klicz, age 10.

Amelia, nominated by her parents, achieved great progress at school despite many difficulties and although really struggling with writing, she wrote and illustrated her own book to show to the other children at school as an example. She has shown empathy and kindness not leaving the side of a young boy in a wheelchair who nobody wanted to play with and always likes to help others. Amelia joins in everything including cross country, swimarathon, dance competitions and raised money for the ambulance service, not letting anything hold her back. Earsay are pleased to award this year’s Pat Bougeard Achievement Award to Amelia and wish her well for the future ahead.

The runner up nominees for the Earsay Pat Bougeard Achievement Award 2024 were:

Jayson Jouny – nominated by his mum, dad and auntie. Jayson has coped really well with having his hearing aids and has also helped his mum with hers. He is always happy to explain to others why he has them, and despite sometimes being teased for wearing them he always gets on with everything and his confidence grows and grows. He is really helpful at school and his teacher and whole family are super proud of him. Jayson was also very brave when his grandad passed away and also when his sister had a stay in hospital.

 Mason McNaney – nominated by his mum. Since starting year 1, Mason has demonstrated real kindness, helpfulness and a strong work ethic and has really grown in confidence and enthusiasm. He has been elected as a school council rep, an incredible achievement showing what a great role model he his.

Clarissa Jeffrey – nominated by her dad. Clarissa has endured lots of treatment back and forth to Great Ormond Street Hospital recently, having been diagnosed with FEVR and she has shown great courage. She is a superstar who works hard at home and at school and doesn’t complain (much!). School and dad are both very proud.

 Earsay also received two nominations from previous Achievement Award winners and whilst Earsay is very pleased to recognise their achievements, the nominations were not passed on for judging as they are not eligible for a second award win.

Heather Armstrong – nominated by Rupi Dhami, Teacher of the Deaf. Heather worked extremely hard to overcome many obstacles to achieve her A level grades and successfully secure herself a place to read Law at University of Reading. It was also felt she had a long-lasting impact on the staff and students at JCG, who benefitted by becoming a more inclusive and deaf-aware school community.

Indie Correia – nominated by Rupi Dhami, Teacher of the Deaf. Indie overcame many barriers to achieve his BTEC Level 3 qualification and secure a place to study for a HND in Digital Technologies at University College, Jersey. He also overcame other obstacles and found the confidence to ask for the right support which is a huge and often overlooked aspect that young people with a hearing loss have to encounter as part of their daily lived experience.

Earsay are so proud of all our nominated members and the superb achievements they have made this year.

Nominations for Earsay’s 2025 Award can be made later in the year by anyone, teacher/parent/club leader etc and is awarded at the Earsay Christmas party celebration in December. Please check Earsay’s website www.earsay.je for full details – a separate Nominations post will be on the site in October.

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